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Main Event

Sidney Olivas

Important Dates & Information

graduates throwing caps

Los Lunas Schools is excited to announce the graduation dates and end-of-year activities for the Senior Class of 2025. As our senior class members from Century High School, Los Lunas High School, and Valencia High School prepare to embark on their next chapter, we want to ensure that families and friends are informed of upcoming important dates and events.

Due to University of New Mexico’s athletics schedule and commencement ceremony, graduation for Los Lunas Schools will take place on Monday, May 19, 2025.

“We understand that holding the ceremonies on a Monday is a change for our school district community and want to provide commencement information in a timely manner so that our graduates and their families can prepare for this momentous occasion,” says Susan D. Chavez, Acting Superintendent of Los Lunas Schools. “Many factors were considered when selecting this date including the end of the school year, available dates given to the district by UNM, and senior class end of the year activities. We look forward to celebrating our seniors on May 19th.”

Los Lunas High School:

  • Last Day for Seniors: May 9, 2025
  • Robing Ceremony: May 14, 2025
  • Graduation: May 19, 2025, at 7:00pm at the UNM Pit

We encourage all families to mark these important dates on their calendars. The graduation ceremonies will celebrate the hard work and achievements of our students, and we look forward to honoring them in a memorable event.

Additional Information:

Further details regarding the graduation ceremony, including parking information will be provided as the date approaches. Please stay connected through our official website, Remind notifications, and social media platforms for updates.

Other News

Sidney Olivas

Community Appreciation

tiger; jaguar; football; volleyball

Los Lunas Schools would like to thank our Tiger and Jaguar Fans with FREE admission to the following football and volleyball games:


  • Friday, September 20
    West Mesa at Los Lunas High
  • Friday, October 18
    Manzano at Valencia High


  • Saturday, September 21
    Volcano at Los Lunas High
    C-Team: 11:00am
    JV: 12:00pm
    Varsity: 1:00pm
  • Thursday, October 17
    Highland at Valencia High
    C-Team: 4:00pm
    JV: 5:00pm
    Varsity: 6:00pm

Thank you for supporting our students and our teams!

LLHS Student using navy virtual reality simulator
Sidney Olivas

Showcases STEM Fields

student using virtual reality simulator

The U.S. Navy showcased its SEAL Virtual Reality Experience at Los Lunas High School this week. Navy Outreach and Diversity leaders visited the campus in search of high-ability students who have what it takes to excel in high-demand STEM fields, such as nuclear engineering, cryptology, IT and health care. The Navy also shared with students information about its $180,000 ROTC Scholarship Program, which pays full college tuition for students with exceptional academic and leadership credentials. The main attraction was the Nimitz, a mobile, state-of the-art virtual reality experience that simulates an actual high-speed Navy SEAL mission. 

“We are extremely excited to spend time at Los Lunas High School, meeting with exceptional students and faculty, and discussing the great opportunities available in today’s Navy,” says Commander Dominique Jackson, Navy Diversity and Outreach. “It is important for today’s high school students to understand that a Navy STEM career offers an exceptional future.”

Navy Semi-truck

The Nimitz happens inside a mobile, 18-wheeler where participants go through a video briefing before strapping on an Oculus Rift headset and a piece of wearable technology called a SubPac (traditionally used by Club DJs) that beats in real time to the sounds of the mission. Participants then navigate the mission using a cutting-edge steering wheel and throttle system that replicate the actual sensation of piloting a high-speed SWCC boat while extracting SEALs. Once finished, participants move to the debriefing station, where they receive feedback and a performance grade.

Sidney Olivas

Effective Immediately

Effective Immediately - Parking Changes at Los Lunas High School Football Stadium:

Construction at the Los Lunas High School football stadium is well underway, and fans can expect changes to parking around the stadium beginning this week and for the upcoming season. To accommodate fans, Los Lunas Schools has announced the following changes:

  • Handicap parking will be available in front of the stadium as usual but will only be accessible from Tiger Lane via Los Cerritos.
  • Parking for other drivers will be available at the softball parking area via Tiger Lane.
  • Additional parking from south Emilio Lopez Road via the front entrance access to Los Lunas High School. Parking lots by the auditorium and south of the school will be available.
  • Drivers may also access parking from north Emilio Lopez Road via the gated entrance to the parking lot near the practice field (northwest of the stadium).
  • There will be NO ACCESS to the practice field parking lot from Tiger Lane.

Los Lunas Schools acknowledges these changes may create some inconvenience for spectators, but they are necessary to accommodate construction to the stadium that will benefit our fans and the community for years to come. We encourage fans to arrive early and carpool if they can.

Signage and personnel will also be on hand during scrimmages and game days to help direct fans to available parking, as well as golf carts to aid those who may need help getting from the parking lots to the front entrance of the stadium. Spectators will still enter the stadium from the usual entrance.

Please see the map below for your reference or click here for printable version.

Please note: The map and parking access points will change frequently due to construction. We will continue to notify everyone as the changes are made.


Sidney Olivas

Apply Now

laptop, wi-fi logo

Valencia County announces Phase II to bring broadband access to underserved local communities. Residents in Meadow Lake and El Cerro Mission may apply for FREE, reliable broadband internet.

The program is provided by Valencia County, Resound Networks and Meta (Los Lunas Data Center).

Only 150 Households will be able to take advantage of the free 2-year Internet subscription. Discounted rates are still available.

Program Details:

  • Eligibility based on need with qualifying factors such as current government assistance e.g. SNAP.
  • Valencia County determines eligibility.
  • This program is mainly first come, first served with a priority placed on homes with school age children.

If you are interested in applying, please complete this online form

Sidney Olivas

Improvements & Upgrades

rendering of new LLHS football field entrance

Los Lunas High School is undergoing a major renovation project to its football field entrance and concession stand facilities. The nearly $4 million project, funded through a bonds approved by voters, will transform the Tiger fan experience for home games.

The previous football field entrance was outdated and uninviting for fans and visitors. The new entrance will feature a grand entryway that will show the school's Tiger Pride. The construction will also make it easier for crowds to flow in and out of the stadium. The entryway project is expected to be completed before August 23, 2024, the date of the first home football game.

The concession area is also getting a much needed upgrade. The old, cramped concession on the northwest corner has been demolished and the new building will be expanded and modernized with new bathrooms. This project is not expected to be completed until March 2025, which will leave only one concession area available this football season on the home side of the football stadium.

rendering of new concessions and restrooms

According to Tiffany McMinn, the Los Lunas Schools director of maintenance and construction, this is just the beginning of construction at the field. The design of phase two is currently underway and includes replacing the track field house, restrooms and concession building that is south of the bleachers, as well as another project for the running track circling the football field, which will include restriping the track and placing the coating over the entire surface. Overall the construction at the stadium will take place over the next two years.

In addition to these changes, the renovation project is also addressing important safety and accessibility issues with the goal of meeting the needs of all spectators visiting the LLHS stadium.

With a fresh, modern look and enhanced functionality, the renovations are expected to energize the community's pride and excitement for the upcoming football season.